
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Once again...your comment of the week!

Hey Voltaire, why does the comment of the week come out on a different day every week, appearing twice some weeks and on others not at all?

Dunno, but here's this week's...

In my mind and sometimes aloud, the 'name-calling' does feel good. Sometimes, it is the only way to release the stress brought on by the seemingly illogical and insensitive. I am actually insulted by the 'cookie-cutter' approach to staff development and teacher professional development. I have multiple degrees, read professional journals, attend conference, confer with colleagues, etc., and yet I constantly made to feel unworthy in terms of my education, training, and experience by the powers that be in ACPS. Why is it always the assumption that there is a problem with the teachers?


  1. I second that emotion

  2. According to Voltaire the above post should have been deleted.

  3. Why is it okay to assume the problem lies only parents and students? If the conversation isn't transparent looking at all contributing factors and possible solutions to include bad teachers, disengaged students and uninvolved parents to name a few, then the conversation is unproductive. I really wish the Underground would come above ground and engage in real talk. I'm ready when you are.

  4. Who are you, then, 10:10 and what do you wish to discuss? What power do you hold to hold those who govern accountable?

  5. I am a member of this community, an ACPS parent and someone who believes the conversation should go public. This forum is fine for teachers to post their perspective but if exchange and coalition building is also a goal, this forum isn't getting the job done. Any other point of view not in keeping with the "Underground" is shot down destroying an opportunity for teachers to connect with the community they serve. If you don't connect with the community, you are driving a bigger wedge than what you assert the Sup has forged between the Admin and the teachers. Among the issues that could be discussed as mentioned above, bad teachers, disengaged students and uninvolved parents, and what strategies could be applied in all three areas. Host a public forum and have a real conversation. That's who I am, who are you?

  6. I posted a reply, but perhaps Voltaire didn't like it because it didn't show up. Here's the condensed version, I'm an ACPS parent. Who are you?

  7. there are teachers from Ivy league universities that know a proper education and are standing up for it and you think that is ill will? sorry but I would NEVER let my child be the subject of such experimentation especially to the extent of limiting their development. enjoy your level of standards

  8. Flight or Fight. Some have a choice some do not. For those in the fight our kids are getting a quality education from quality teachers, the challenge is engaging those kids who haven't been reached. Running off to Fairfax doesn't help them.

  9. This is a tad strange thread. Blame for parents, blame for teachers, yet no mention of blame for ACPS Administration?

    The time may come for ACPS Underground to go ACPS Aboveground, but it doesn't seem this is the time. Our teachers are getting walloped and morale is very low. Professionals with deep interest in their teaching job are being treated very unprofessionally, imposed on by administrative concepts of Cookie Cutter Rigor and Format which "they will follow". As the teachers object, they have been answered with "there is the door" ( and a bus ticket to Fairfax). That is shameful.

    ACPS Underground allows them a space to vent without fear of reprisal, lawsuit, or even brown-nosing fodder by administrative sucking-up fellow teachers if true names were revealed. We all know these things happen: it's how a few in life choose to get ahead. Similarly the blog allows parents to follow along and chime in if a bell is rung (i.e., past experience with similar admin issue). I am an ACPS parent who has infrequently posted but read often and willingly.

    The ACPS School Board have a golden opportunity for a real day to day education by following this blog. I understood one board member, at least, to say she didn't know the teachers were so upset with the administration. That comment, like the bus to Fairfax, is worth all the time Voltaire and others have put into making this blog a success. Take away the anonymity, and you take away the necessary shield which allows such education of parents, Board and administration alike. We're heading into contract renewal time here folks: that should be very revealing in itself.

    No professional should have their feet consistently stepped on if good at their job. Yes, there has been some rightful weeding out of the poor and not so good teachers, but as with any Gaussian Curve, inevitably a mistake or two are made in judgement and a good or almost good enough teacher or staff member gets the axe. That is to be ever so avoided given teachers' rights and our City's need for involved, professional teachers.

    This is a public blog. Any ACPS parent can read and comment (although few do as far as I see) as it's mainly pivots about ACPS teaching. How to reach the unengaged parents is/was not the main goal of this blog: it's for professional teachers to share (or not) their voice on how being put down, treated like peons, herded like goats, and replaced by paraprofessionals in the very classrooms our student so desperately need them just to attend yet another cookie cutter admin training session, is NOT the way for ACPS to go. Or for the VDOE to overlook.

    ACPS Underground currently fits a need which Aboveground would not. That's how I see it as a concerned ACPS parent, thankful for ACPS Underground.

  10. That's true it is for the teachers. And what is for the kids. Some of their teachers, like my student's teacher told the class about the Underground. The kids read it all the time, some are offended and concerned that their teachers really don't care about them, speak negatively about them and their parents. This blog has it's pros and cons, and it's unfiltered vent space can and has already communicated a message that the teachers don't care. It's all about them.
