
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Be Careful, Be Very Careful!

"The human brain is a complex organ with the wonderful power of enabling man to find reasons for continuing to believe whatever it is that he wants to believe." 

Anyone interested in reading an appellate decision concerning contracts signed by Dr. Sherman during his tenure as superintendent of the South Orangetown Central School District can find the opinion here (
The appeal, it should be noted was dismissed.  However, it was dismissed because, in part it lacked merit, was time barred, or not filed before the statutory period for filing had passed.  The trier of fact was forced to dismiss the claim, but still made clear his sentiments on the matter.  What is interesting is the language used by Commissioner Mills in his ruling.  In pertinent part, it reads:

There is no dispute that Dr. Sherman asked the district's attorney to incorporate the Foundation, and that Dr. Sherman and respondent Barbara Scheulen were members of the Foundation's initial board of directors. 

Although I am constrained to dismiss the Cimple contract claim as untimely, I am deeply disturbed that a contract in excess of one-half million dollars was signed without review by the district's attorney and apparently without formal authorization by the board, that the district contracted to pay a pre-performance installment of $195,000, approximately 35% of the entire contract, with no justification for such advance payment provided in the record, and that such fiscal practices were justified by the board on the basis of a purported need to put these services in place as soon as possible.
Although respondents assert that Dr. Sherman was authorized to "sign" the contract on the board's behalf, respondents provide no evidence of such authority or the means by which such authority was delegated to Dr. Sherman.


  1. I'm the person who dug up the NY Ed case on Sherman and posted it on my blog over a year ago. Glad to see people are finally paying attention. Please email me and I'll send you more Sherman-esque informartion.

  2. We had 'rolling meetings' today at TC Williams in which the administrators professed to be shocked by the anger teachers feel toward Sherman and his bullying tactics. It was refreshing to hear so many teachers (at my session anyway) voicing serious doubts about the benefit of two and half more hours of useless meetings or irrelevant professional development each week, and they were saying so directly to the principal, pretty much in a united voice which I hadn't heard before. Perhaps the information posted on this blog, and the chance to communicate in this open forum, has emboldened us to speak up with more confidence. We have known for a while that something stinks in the ACPS leadership; now we are learning the damning details of Sherman's misdoings in other districts. I, for one, don't want any more of my tax dollars spent on ineffective programs brought in by our spendthrift superintendent. I bet those folks in his previous school districts felt much the same, and were glad to see him gone.

  3. At the faculty meeting I was told that the extra 30 minutes applied to TEACHERS and NOT students. Is that true? I don't get it!

  4. Want to express yourself on this? Go vote at!

    Should the School Board add 30 minutes to teachers' day this Fall?

  5. When you meet with your principals, PTAs, school board members, and any other interested or concerned party, ask a few questions like:
    1) what is the objective of the additional time?
    2) what are the pros and cons?
    3) how else could the $2 million be allocated within the system?
    4) how will this impact after-school programs?
    5) if part of the objective is to use this as additional "work with students" time, does the $2 million account for transportation and facilities costs?
    6) it is acknowledged by Mort Sherman that this time is already being done voluntarily by some, why is it being made involuntary for all?
    7) how is the time to be used differently from proposed teacher planning days being built into the 2011-2012 calendar?
    8) is the cost of this proposal sustainable for years to come?
    Press for answers and contact local media and members of City Council and get them to ask these questions too.

  6. Get those votes in at!

  7. The voting button on the seems to have been disabled. Please post your comments there also.

  8. After you vote, you will only see results, and will be unable to vote again. If it is not up and running, contact them at

    An ACPS survey is also up. Was in the ACPS Daily Digest but not sent out in an email to teachers.

  9. ^^ So sad that I'm always scared to even complete their surveys. I know they can "see" who you are through IP addresses.

    Gosh, how did it get so bad at ACPS such that you're afraid to speak due to repercussions?

    -a mom with ACPS students

  10. Sad, sad state of affairs and yet the School Board does nothing and he is putting out his propaganda trying to mesmerize the parents. What an oily guy!

  11. "Fear has its use but cowardice has none."- Gandhi

    There are more repercussions from silence than from speaking out. Make your voice heard in any way you can. Surveys, polls, letters, emails, or phone calls. Blog posts will only go so far.

  12. In response to Anonymous, who is concerned about completing surveys, if you have a Proxy server, use it. You use their untraceable IP addresses.

  13. I don't know what a Proxy server is, but I will Google the term.

    It's fine to quote Gandhi, but I have butted heads against the seemingly brick wall of ACPS for my kids over the last decade twice, and it's most disquieting. I've lost all times also, on appropriate, well-documented, supported parental issues. They need an Ombudsman or woman!

    I did go to the survey itself and try to answer it.

    Are you aware it asks the following (note pay-raise proposal):

    *Do you support the proposal to extend the teacher day (by 30 minutes and include a salary raise of 2-3 percent) during the 2011-12 school year to provide more time for planning, professional development, and one-on-one interaction with students?

    Choose only one of the following
    Yes, I support extending the school day for teachers.
    No, I do not support extending the school day for teachers.
    Don't know.

  14. If enough people head butt the brick wall that is ACPS, it will crack, and may even crumble. If you sit around saying woe is me and the state of affairs in Alexandria Schools, well you can bet it will be woeful. Nothing changes so long as we tolerate it. Don't tolerate it and force a change.
