
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Here's An Idea!

Whether to show your support for the Underground or for free speech, become a follower. It's easy to do, it's anonymous and it is free! Our goal is 100 by ten o'clock Sunday night.


  1. C;mon 73 in 12 hours!

  2. Keep up the pressure for open dialogue and community involvement, Voltaire, it's having an effect on a previously intransigent admin. I've invited friends in Alexandria and outside to join in, and some already have. Thank you for creating this forum; the voices of concerned parents, teachers, and Alexandrians (some of us happen to be all three at once) will be heard!

  3. Mort Sherman thinks you won't even get thirty!

  4. Fun fact: February is School Board Appreciation Month. Notice it's the shortest month. I hear they will celebrate by drinking kool-aide and lying down.....

  5. If you build it, they will come...

  6. So since you haven't reached your goal of 100, the site is a failure right? Or will you give yourselves more time at let your ideas take hold?
